November 25, 2010


What a week it has been and so many dishes.  I think I washed some of them 3 times in the same day.  What can I say, I have my favorite mixing bowls.  :)

C and I are alone this Thanksgiving and since this is his favorite holiday, no way was I going pass up the opportunity for some cooking practice. 

After many, many calls to mom for help, most of the cooking is complete and off to bed with anticipation for the big day.

Thanks to the best cook I know for all of the help.  Lets hope I am half as good; my finance officer depends on it. 

This turkey is off to bed!!


(This post was  posted late due to internet problems.)  :)

1 comment:

  1. You're most welcome, Tildy! Always trying to pass off my skills wherever they're needed. I learned something big this holiday, chili is much easier, ha. love, mom
