November 8, 2013


Have big weekend plans?
If not, come on over.  It is the "official" big move this Sunday!
I'm going need a few more Frappuccinos and M&Ms I think!!!

September 2, 2013


For a few hours," said my husband yesterday.
After no fish at the first lake, a potty break in the bushes, a run into the nearest town (wish I would have known this step before I went into the bushes) for quick sandwich and chips and onto the next lake, our "few hours" was used up.
But that's when......
....the fun started happening.
We found "the spot."  So then.....after many fish and many laughs, we headed home many hours later both sun burnt and happy.
Happy Labor Day!!
PS. I even put my own worms on this time!!!!!  (I wore my gloves of course.)

August 30, 2013


Its Friday and I am
That isn't quite my version of happy dance, but darn close.  What are your happy dance moves?
More like   or or  ?
No matter what they may be, get them out because today I agree with Snoopy.
Have a  Friday and remember
[Dancing Crown] Keep Calm And Do The Happy Dance
PS Shake it! Rock it! Oh yeah, that's the moves! Woot....woot!!!
PSS Ok, wait.......Slow down...don't hurt yourself......whoa....ok, better just sit down for a bit.

August 23, 2013


As I am making my lists for this weekend's run, I am remembering one of my favorite runs from this year: Walt Disney World's Princess Half Marathon.
It was my best friend's first half marathon and let me tell you, she rocked it!
She has been running different runs this whole year and will soon be leaving to tackle her 2nd half marathon in Disney Land.  I had so much fun getting to run with her and watch her accomplish all of her finishes so far with more to come.  She is an inspiration! 
This weekend, I will be teaming up with my sister-in-law to tackle the Go Far Women half marathon relay.  Sounds like it will be a hot one, so will plan for lots of water during the run and lots of margaritas after the run!
Stay tuned for the results.
Whatever weekend plans you may have: GO FAR and ROCK IT!!  :)

August 7, 2013

Making it a good day.

"Either you run the day or the day runs you."
Today, I am running the day and making it a good one.
What are you making today?
PS. Tonight I will be making pot holders as a friend and I enjoy a much needed sewing session.  :)

August 6, 2013

Here fishy, fishy, fishy....

Hubby and I went on an impromptu fishing trip last night.  When we first started "hanging out," he would take me on these kind of trips to a beautiful lake in SD.  He would fish and I would read.
The difference between then and now is that he has a boat and I have a ring!!  :)
We took our whole family and boy did we have fun.

I now fish with him and some day may even put my own bait on and take my own fish off, but until then.................

August 5, 2013

Horsing Around

It has been a while.....
I am trying to get back into the swing of things and blog a bit more for my few, family followers, but I am just having too much fun "Horsing Around" apparently!
Charlie and I have been having a fun Summer, even though it has been a fast and furious one.
A while back, we were invited to the local horse track.  Boy, have we been missing out!!!  I had so much fun and with the $2 entrance fee and $2 bets, I even let Charlie buy something from the concession stand! :P  Hope he doesn't get used to that!!
It was a cool, rainy day, which in turn made it even more fun to watch the mud fly.  You could always find who the winner was......the clean man.
We would walk down to the corrals before each race to scout out who the guys wanted to bet on (betting is too stressful for me).  The horses were beautiful and muscular.  Then back to the grandstand to cheer them on.
We may have only picked one winner correctly, but overall the day was champion!!

July 13, 2013

It feels like a Dakota Maid kind of day.

Guess what I get to do today!

Iced coffee, cool fan and endless project ideas....

Need I say more?! 

Hope you are having a Dakota Maid day too,

July 10, 2013

Did someone say pie???

It isn't mom's famous banana cream pie......

But it is her recipe and my first attempt.

My husband loves this pie and for some reason he is getting spoiled this week.

I can't question why I'm spoiling him because he fully deserves all of it and more. He is my rock when I want to quit, my sunshine when skies are gray and most of all the love of my life. I look forward to many more pies. 

Counting my blessings,

July 2, 2013


What a fun weekend we had.
We met up with some great friends to "camp" in their gorgeous 5th wheel.

We visited the Okerson family farm and stopped to say "Hello" and "Thank you" to a very dear Aunt Emma on the way. We miss her dearly.

We went to the zoo.

A little bit of shopping before hitting our traditional supper spot.

Followed by one of Kaden's famous smores.

We had our share of deep conversations and laughter as always. 

On our way home we planted 18 trees for the future Okerson generations.

Overall it was a "lovely" weekend. Hope to it again soon! 
Thanks Jeff, Wendy and Kaden.

CEO, TJO, Ani-kin, Lucy and Lei-a.

June 28, 2013

SO SAD.......

I just emptied a bag of delicious Dark Canyon coffee.  So sad......

but wait.....

Whew!! I found more!!
We can go camping after all. 

Great coffee in the morning. Smothered smores at night. What could be better?!

Have a great weekend y'all!

June 15, 2013


Goats in coats....

Baby goats....

Calves eating supper...

Baby llamas....

Ferris wheels, cotton candy, deep fried twinkies.....

and best attraction of  the night...

That will be $8 please. Have fun and enjoy the concert.


June 12, 2013


Is ready for some sunshine, green grass and ball chasing!!

Look both ways before crossing the street!!!! 
I think they each chose a direction to look and be able to cross faster?!?!

Hope your day was filled with sunshine, green grass and ball chasing too!!

TJO, Lucy, Ani-kin and Lei-a

March 24, 2013

March Madness.......has begun!!!

Do you follow the madness?
We are big followers, you could even call my hubby obsessive over his Kansas Jay Hawks.  
Computer on, tablet going , phones out.....don't call during the Kansas game or you will get this look!

Deep dish pizza in the oven, surround sound on.......we love it!

From our house to yours, may your Madness be as fun and enjoyable as ours.


Remember life is what YOU  make it. :)

February 10, 2013

We are unable to be there in person to help my Dad celebrate his milestone birthday, but.....that is no reason to still not help him celebrate, right?!  So in honor of his birthday, monkey bread for breakfast and who knows whats for  lunch and supper.......

Sending all of our love and birthday wishes from North Dakota to South Dakota through the snow!!

Lots of love,
Tildy and Charlie.

February 2, 2013


Test 1.....2......3

Hubby and I have joined the smartphone craze. I'm hoping this will allow me to blog and all sorts more. I miss blogland. :)

January 20, 2013

What did you do this weekend?

My husband.....

played with his new "toy" and cleared everyone's sidewalks on the block.


stayed in where it was warm and played spa.


was wondering who the heck was in his bathroom and where did mom go??!!  He protected his sink quite well, but did eventually let me wash my mask off. He sure was happy to see me again!

What did you do this weekend?