September 25, 2011


Sunday is a date day for hubby CEO and I.  We love to try different finger food; all that goes with football of course.  Today's trial was home grown jalapeno poppers.  I have never tried making them, but this year I had a jalapeno plant in my garden and they were completely worth the wait. 

Very simple:
Jalapenos of all sizes
Cream Cheese
Turkey Bacon

Cut jalapenos in half, de-seed them. 
(I suggest checking them twice because biting into a seed later will
make it worth to do it me!!!!)
Fill in with cream cheese
Wrap in turkey bacon
Heat oven to 400 degrees
Bake for 10-15 minutes

Some yard work done, laundry started, food is cooked.....time for some football.
Happy Sunday, everyone!

September 14, 2011


I have been on the search for a new, cute fall coffee mug (a girl has to change with the seasons, right?!)  After a great weekend with my mom, she sent me home with a fun box and in it was this cute stuff.  She knew back in May what I wanted now. 
How do moms do that?

Love you Mom!!
(Stay tuned for more of mom's fun box. What can I say? She's the bestest mom ever.)

September 12, 2011


We are back from a weekend of giggles and good times.
I do not get to see my mom or twin nieces near enough, so time with them is priceless.
We celebrated my mom's birthday with a princess pirate party, including pirate ship water slides.  The girlies are quite the swimmers and completely fearless in the pool.
My mind is just racing with all of the fun we had and memories we made.  :)
When's the next party?!!