June 23, 2011


After many months of planning, my prince and I were off to our dream wedding.  Ok, maybe more my dream wedding.....

We made a our flight with dress in tow right on time. We had a lay over in MN where we met up with a great friend, my brother and his wife.  Charlie and I played farkle to pass the time of waiting.

The flight from MN to Orlando was a very long one plus we took off over an hour late.  My mom, dad and aunt were already in Orlando and checked in to our room.  Finally, about midnight we landed and my dad picked us up from the airport.  Eight of us packed into a 3 bedroom, 2 bath condo for the night.  I highly recommend the place (if I could recall the name, I would certianly pass it on) as it had everything you could want.

Im not sure if Charlie is smiling because we made it safe off the flight of doom, because he is Orlando, FL for the first time or because he is on his wedding trip to marry the bride of his dreams.  In my dreams, I choose the latter of them.  :)

June 21, 2011


We have had a lot of gray, gloomy days lately.  It is hard to find enthusiasm after so many dreary mornings and afternoons, so I today I am surviving on memories of sunshine from my wedding day.

I could go on and on about how perfect this day was for us and I'm sure that I will, but I will do my best to spread it out. 

....ok, I just lost myself in all of the memories and smiles......and now my lunch time is over.....

More to come, lots more......

June 19, 2011


Raise your hand if you are the best dad a girl could ask for!!

Happy Father's Day to my coach, my mentor, my teacher, my HERO!!

Thank you for all of the lessons you have taught me whether I chose to learn them the hard way or the easy way! :)

Tara Jean

PS I miss you!!

June 17, 2011


Anybody else running to catch themself?  Its like being on a treadmill.
I am trying to do everything at once and in doing so, I'm accomplishing very little.

I have been thinking that I need to start from the beginning and I have come to the conclusion that I just don't know where that is anymore.  So.....I am going to play catch up on blogging in no order, rhyme or reason.  Hang on to your hats and in no way try to make sense of my timeline.  :)

Fargo Marathon 2010

I will start with the update, and the reason I am on a constant run these days, that I am off of my crutches.  I received clearance 1.5 days before we flew out for our wedding trip!  I am getting stronger with each day and I absolutely cannot wait to be running again with my pups. 

I am going to get back into the race circuit over the 4th of July at the local 5k/10k run.  One of my best friends is coming to join me and my biggest fans will be on the sidelines too (Ma and Pa B.) I'm very excited!!

Well back to today's to-do list.....May your weekend bring many accomplishments and lots of sunshine.  TJO