Can you believe that Christmas is only 4 days away?! I am ready, but so far behind. I ordered our Christmas cards just last week; fingers crossed they will be here tomorrow to get into the mail in the same day.
We are heading South to join my family and I am so excited! We get to drink our egg nog and apricot brandies in front of the fireplace this year. My grandma and aunt will be joining us (weather pending.) Then off to see my cute girlies.
What a great week! I hope that you all have a great holiday week surrounded by friends and family.
Have an Egg-cellent Evening,
December 20, 2010
December 14, 2010
I went to my first cookie exchange this past weekend. I didnt have a clue what a "cookie exchange" was going into it, but I do know that I will be having one of them myself! What a fun get together and we all got to come home loaded with goodies.
I made Russian Tea Cakes. It was my first time making these and they are so easy and so good! They are the perfect size for satisfying that late night sweet tooth. They are also called Mexican Wedding Cake.
Lots of goodies to take home for the holidays now! TJB
December 7, 2010
Making my list and checking it twice....
- My favorite time of the year!!
- Broke out the decor and my all time favorite song Alabama's Thistlehair the Christmas Bear.
- Putting together gifts and prepping for some last minute must haves.
- New job. So far, so good. I am organizing and updating my new desk so that I can begin studying the plants, trees and shrubs for ND.
- Im excited to learn about them all and maybe gain some of that famous Tiede family green thumb.
- Cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning! Does it ever end?!
Office Christmas Presents |
Its a great time of the year, the hap-happiest time of year.......
To all a good night. TJB
November 26, 2010
We started the day out right with some warm carmel rolls. Then with the turkey in the over, we were off to the 2nd Annual Turkey Trot. It was a year ago today that I took my first venture out into the Rolla community. The people were so nice and I instantly felt welcomed. This year was the same and even though I was on crutches, we still participated. With everybody in from the cold and pies in their hands, C and I went back home to a great smelling house. This was our 2nd Thanksgiving in our home (thanks to moms cooking for us last year! Thanks Mom!) and my first attempt at cooking our big meal. I had a great time cooking and also making our new table center piece; I finished it just before we pulled the real turkey out of the over. :) Over all, the day was great as we wasted the afternoon away miserable stuffed and overly happy on the couch. Hope everyone's was even half as good as ours.
(This post was tardy due to the camera being across the room and me being to tired and to full to get up and get. Now thats what you call a successful Turkey Day!!)
November 25, 2010
What a week it has been and so many dishes. I think I washed some of them 3 times in the same day. What can I say, I have my favorite mixing bowls. :)
C and I are alone this Thanksgiving and since this is his favorite holiday, no way was I going pass up the opportunity for some cooking practice.
After many, many calls to mom for help, most of the cooking is complete and off to bed with anticipation for the big day.
Thanks to the best cook I know for all of the help. Lets hope I am half as good; my finance officer depends on it.
This turkey is off to bed!!
(This post was posted late due to internet problems.) :)
C and I are alone this Thanksgiving and since this is his favorite holiday, no way was I going pass up the opportunity for some cooking practice.
After many, many calls to mom for help, most of the cooking is complete and off to bed with anticipation for the big day.
Thanks to the best cook I know for all of the help. Lets hope I am half as good; my finance officer depends on it.
This turkey is off to bed!!
(This post was posted late due to internet problems.) :)
November 21, 2010
We had a lazy day at our house.
Washed all the bedding, started the vacuuming and watched some good football. Now catching up on some DVR and enjoying the family.
What do you do on your lazy day?
Washed all the bedding, started the vacuuming and watched some good football. Now catching up on some DVR and enjoying the family.
What do you do on your lazy day?
November 18, 2010
I wanted to share my "down time" projects. My surgery tally so far includes: 4 dolly sweaters, 1 dishrag, 1 fashion scarf, 3/4 done with another scarf, multiple suduko puzzles, 1 novel and now starting a tea towel because I cannot reach my 3/4 done scarf.
I had my stitches removed this morning and regardless to say, I now have a new comparison for pain.
While working on my projects, I get to enjoy the first season of my favorite show NCIS. :)
Oh and there is another episode starting now. Back to TV, embroidary and more sitting.
PS My apologies for the picture quality. I have to work with what I can reach. :)
I had my stitches removed this morning and regardless to say, I now have a new comparison for pain.
While working on my projects, I get to enjoy the first season of my favorite show NCIS. :)
Oh and there is another episode starting now. Back to TV, embroidary and more sitting.
PS My apologies for the picture quality. I have to work with what I can reach. :)
November 16, 2010
S is for SMILE and SIMPLE
I asked C for some help getting me ice cream for tonight's snack. I was handed the bucket and a spoon.
I thank God for him every day and cherish every smile he brings to my lips.
:) :) :) :) :)
I thank God for him every day and cherish every smile he brings to my lips.
:) :) :) :) :)
November 9, 2010
Been a heck of day. Dr. appointment this morning and sleep, sleep, sleep this afternoon. Is it possible that my butt is starting to hurt as much as my foot???
November 7, 2010
How do you determine who is on dish duty?
Around here, it is via the Football Forecast! :)
Whoever is the non-winner from the week before is in charge of preparing, cooking and cleaning up all food duties during NFL Sunday.
Today, my choice was buffalo wings and breaded beans.
TJB aka the Resident Cheesehead!
Around here, it is via the Football Forecast! :)
Whoever is the non-winner from the week before is in charge of preparing, cooking and cleaning up all food duties during NFL Sunday.
Today, my choice was buffalo wings and breaded beans.
TJB aka the Resident Cheesehead!
November 6, 2010
It has been a while since my last blog and lots has happened.
Volleyball is still in progress and we are on our way to Regions this coming week. GO BULL DOGS!!!!
As you can likely tell from the pictures, I will be on my way on an extra set of wooden legs. Thanks for lending them to me, dad. :)
So far my surgery projects have included the completion of a dolly sweater, a fashion scarf and a dish rag. I am currently working on another scarf. Each project has required the learning of new stitches, so has been fun.
Well time for the next dose of pain meds and some food. Happy Saturday night to all.
October 31, 2010
Can you believe it is that bewitching time again? Weather is cold and foggy, so fits the date thats for sure.
I am going to spend the day painting windows and swapping summer clothes for winter clothes. C is traveling across the state for some training and a test.
I did not get much our for decorations this year, but oh I sure cant wait for Christmas decor! (Too soon?!?!!)
Time to rinse the highlights before shipping out the man. Happy Halloween to all!! Be safe and stay warm.
I am going to spend the day painting windows and swapping summer clothes for winter clothes. C is traveling across the state for some training and a test.
I did not get much our for decorations this year, but oh I sure cant wait for Christmas decor! (Too soon?!?!!)
Time to rinse the highlights before shipping out the man. Happy Halloween to all!! Be safe and stay warm.
October 21, 2010
I have finally been able to pull last weekends pictures off the camera.
We went out 4 wheeling with a great group
of people and had such a great time! Couple of hours out in the fields, great grilling and another hour or so of target shooting was a great way to lead into tough week.
Off to pack for that mom and dad time!! Have a great weekend!
(Having issues with formatting)
October 11, 2010
FINALLY! We are done with the yellow painting on our house. How can this happen: I feel like we just started with the first brush stroke, I looked down to redip my brush and when I look up the summer is gone and Ive just finished the last brush stroke?
We have a lot of little projects to finish yet before winter hits, but we took a sigh of relief last night after clean up.
It is nice to step back to say "Look what we did this summer," but I sure am excited for next summer when we get to sit and enjoy it!
Stay tuned for comparison pictures! Be sure you are buckled into your seat so the shock doesnt tip you over!
CHEERS to a summer of hardwork and great accomplishments. A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all that helped, we could have never done it without you!!!!
Thank you sincerely,
We have a lot of little projects to finish yet before winter hits, but we took a sigh of relief last night after clean up.
It is nice to step back to say "Look what we did this summer," but I sure am excited for next summer when we get to sit and enjoy it!
Stay tuned for comparison pictures! Be sure you are buckled into your seat so the shock doesnt tip you over!
CHEERS to a summer of hardwork and great accomplishments. A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all that helped, we could have never done it without you!!!!
Thank you sincerely,
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and the BULLDOGS participated in the fun by hosting a event night that included everything pink you can think of, a cake walk, trinket sales, a ribbon competition, etc.
Dressed in pink dyed socks, pink headbands and pink fingernails, the Bulldogs won all three matches with the varsity match, keeping the entire gym on the edges of their seats, going all 5 sets.
I spent Wednesday night, pre-game night, making 48 cupcakes to help with the cause. I learned that you should put the sprinkles on right after you frost each individual cupcake because otherwise they just bounce off! How do you sprinkle?? :)
Dressed in pink dyed socks, pink headbands and pink fingernails, the Bulldogs won all three matches with the varsity match, keeping the entire gym on the edges of their seats, going all 5 sets.
I spent Wednesday night, pre-game night, making 48 cupcakes to help with the cause. I learned that you should put the sprinkles on right after you frost each individual cupcake because otherwise they just bounce off! How do you sprinkle?? :)
October 5, 2010
I love good quotes that really get your mind working.
I try to have a good quote for my volleyball girls before each match referencing teamwork, confidence, ambition or anything of the like to get them pumped and thinking about the true meaning of why they are on the court and to show them that there is more to it then the score. They always have to give me how the quote pertains to them. Tonight's volleyball quote will be, "Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings." What is your thoughts on this quote and how it pertains to my girls (and yourself)?
I have a great group of girls and I am very proud of them ALWAYS!
Coach T.
October 3, 2010
Perfect start to the day! |
What a day!
Started with coffee and homemade strudels. They may not look restaurant quality but the taste was above restaurant results!!
Started with coffee and homemade strudels. They may not look restaurant quality but the taste was above restaurant results!!
Then onto a full day of canning. Completion list consists of 18 jars or relish, 4 quarts of carrots and 2 freezer pints of carrots. Dont forget about all the dishes and clean up that go along with that!! Whew!!
Right when I am ready to throw in the white towel of defeat, C comes and wants help with the rock garden so out the door we went. 2 hours later and 15 more plants in the ground we are finally calling it a day.
Hope everyone had a successful weekend! Oh and cant go without mentioning the new stack of fabrics I purchased today!!! Just a few more things to go on the list before I get to play in my sewing room again. :)
Movie theatre popcorn and mini candy bars to finish the night. Yummmm...........
October 2, 2010
Jade |
What a day of miscellaneous adventures and tasks. Got up this morning to quite the frost so painting was postponed until the sun warmed things up a bit. Off we went to the local Flea Market being held. Another man's junk is my treasure (or something like that.) We got more plants to finish our rock garden (pics to come later); I got some new house plants to replace the old that froze in the move; I also got this cute scarecrow for the front of the house and a few other fun items.
Suzy Q and my corn stalks |
That fun was over and time to get some work done. C went and helped a friend with some chickens while I stayed home and finished the primer, cleaned up some yard stuff, mowed the front yard and placed my corn stalks. :)
Now as the evening winds down and the dishes are all done, C is out getting DQ to end the great work day. Tomorrow will be coffee and homemade toaster strudels followed by completion of painting.
Good Night to all; Sweet Dreams.
September 26, 2010
After a fun day with my Junior Varsity volleyball team yesterday, I am looking forward to a day with my family around the house.
I do have to take a quick paragraph to brag about my girls. They came out a bit tired, but fired back right away to make it into the tournament after some intense pool play games. Following some nail biting and a few lessons on the court, we ended up with 4th place. We were the youngest team there and I was the proudest coach there. GREAT JOB GIRLS!!
Ok, back to that sunshine....
Today is for painting and planting before that dreaded "W" season is upon us. Oh and dont forget some football games in there too.
Holy smokes, look at the time!!! Gotta go.....have a great Sunday!!
September 22, 2010
...where the future will take you?
I dont and just about a year ago, I sure didnt expect my future to be where I am today. It was then that C and I started talking about the possibility of moving 9 hours north. We were both ready for a change and had no doubts we wanted to do it together. The time we spent apart was hard, but in the end brought us closer.
We could have never done this change without the support and love from our families. Maybe that is one thing that I will always know and count on for my future: love and support from my family.
What else does the future hold???? Well tonight is Save the Date cards, Criminal Minds and a little bit of volleyball, after that who knows. Until then, sit back, put your seat belt on and enjoy the ride!!!
We could have never done this change without the support and love from our families. Maybe that is one thing that I will always know and count on for my future: love and support from my family.
In fact if I only get to choose one thing to know, that is definitely it! My day to day life revolves around them regardless of the miles between us. How did they do it before cell phones, text messaging and the internet?!
I am working on changing my blog look, so please stay tuned and I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you.
Oh and caution Slippery when wet! This sign always fascinates me because who doesnt already know that?! Caution: Wet Floor is so much better and doesnt make one go "duh!"
Oh and caution Slippery when wet! This sign always fascinates me because who doesnt already know that?! Caution: Wet Floor is so much better and doesnt make one go "duh!"
September 20, 2010
I cannot believe we are almost to fall already! According to the weather here, we have been in fall for a month now. I will have to pull out my hula skirt and coconut bra for a dance to the sun gods for at least a week's worth of sunshine yet! We caved and turned on our heat yesterday.
The volleyball season is halfway over already, my garden is pretty much done with (been putting a sheet over my tomatoes in hopes to keep some green ones yet for more relish) and for some reason I cant find a thing to wear in the mornings.
The time has come to do ever so dreaded season change of the wardrobe! If anybody has ideas on how to make this process streamlined, please share!! The most fun part is that you pretty much get to go shopping in your own closest.
Wonder what fun stuff I got off last year's sale rack?!?!
Stay tuned and until then, share your sunshine and happy thoughts!
The volleyball season is halfway over already, my garden is pretty much done with (been putting a sheet over my tomatoes in hopes to keep some green ones yet for more relish) and for some reason I cant find a thing to wear in the mornings.
The time has come to do ever so dreaded season change of the wardrobe! If anybody has ideas on how to make this process streamlined, please share!! The most fun part is that you pretty much get to go shopping in your own closest.
Wonder what fun stuff I got off last year's sale rack?!?!
Stay tuned and until then, share your sunshine and happy thoughts!
September 8, 2010
Last night was our first game of the season and we got to open the season in front of our home crowd. I am a VERY proud and honored coach of 2 amazing teams. The girls really came through and worked very well as a team.
My junior high team came out very nervous. They stayed focused and no matter what had fun all while wearing smiles the whole way through. We won 2-1.
My junior varsity team had me nervous from their previous day's showing at practice, but whatever they did prior to the game worked and I hope they keep it up because they pulled together and we won 2-0.
Varsity also won 3-0.
Tomorrow night we play our rival team in their gym. The tension will be high and the bleachers will be full. I know my girls can do it, I have full confidence in them. My main goal is for them to have fun and walk off the court with pride, everything else (including a win) is all added bonuses.
Better go get my game plan made. GO BULLDOGS!!!!!
Coach T.
My junior high team came out very nervous. They stayed focused and no matter what had fun all while wearing smiles the whole way through. We won 2-1.
My junior varsity team had me nervous from their previous day's showing at practice, but whatever they did prior to the game worked and I hope they keep it up because they pulled together and we won 2-0.
Varsity also won 3-0.
Tomorrow night we play our rival team in their gym. The tension will be high and the bleachers will be full. I know my girls can do it, I have full confidence in them. My main goal is for them to have fun and walk off the court with pride, everything else (including a win) is all added bonuses.
Better go get my game plan made. GO BULLDOGS!!!!!
Coach T.
September 5, 2010
Started my labor tasks by picking the garden. I sure have enjoyed my garden this year!
Then, the skies cleared and the sun made a short appearance. Out the door I went and finished all the windows but one that I had to do some extra work on. Tomorrow, I will get to paint some color! day's checklist included: sewed 19 headbands (11 for volleyball girls), 8 windows painted, 6 pints of relish canned, hobo packets for supper, camping shirt patches ironed on and now to play some cards with my fiance!
Good night and happy Labor Day!
August 30, 2010
Find the good: The girls are a blast and I am enjoying every minute spent with them. Im excited and proud to be their coach.
Dad B. was here all last week and I sure miss having him here, but mom won and I returned him home. :)
Find the good: I am also so happy and blessed to have the fiance that I do. He is so supportive in all that I do and in letting me follow my dream of coaching.
Have you the found the pattern? Today was a good day but not matter what you must find the good in everything.
If you get a flat tire, maybe it is just time for you to walk and see all that you have around you at a slower pace?
What is the good in your day?
August 21, 2010
What a weekend so far!
Today started by being up early this morning and off to the gym for a morning of volleyball. I am a proud coach; the girls really came together as a team making it fun for all of us.
One panel up, only 19 more to go. :) Keep up the good work guys!
While they worked away outside, I cleaned and enjoyed being home. A regular schedule is soon to resumed and a bit more creativeness in my writing to resume as well.
Until then, house progress and volleyball stats to continue.
August 16, 2010
We introduced the twins to my four legged kiddos and mom and I got a good laugh from all of their reactions (pups reactions included!)
They are very good little girls and you never know what song they will sing next or what silly story will be told. Never a dull moment.
Will be a while, but I cant wait to see them all again (mom and dad included!)
Now time to go play catch up on some sleep.
Sweet dreams girlies! Lots of hugs and kisses from Aunt T.
August 12, 2010
In packing for the weekend, I decided to take my first harvest home to share with the best cook I know! Who you ask?! MOMMA B., of course!
I am not sure how I am going to get through the work day tomorrow with the excitement that is growing to get to go home and see my mom and dad with an extra bonus of getting to see and play with my twin neices.
Oh I better not forget to pack this..........
And of course that is going, why would you even ask?!!!!!!!!!
August 11, 2010
I am still in disbelief that I am the bride and not a bridesmaid!!! I dropped my wedding dress off at the cleaners today and had to call mom right away with excitement. :) Then I called the beach houses and they are open and ready for our party.
Im so excited!
August 10, 2010
Between the sewing projects, Charlie and I have been scraping and painting continually on the house along with collecting rocks for the frontyard rock garden. Things are coming along great. We have to keep in mind that all the hard work this summer will make next summer all that much more fun to sit back and enjoy.
Which speaking of enjoying, Im outta here to go enjoy the rest of the evening relaxing (and sewing.)
Good Night and Great Relaxation to all!
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